Nearly every religion in the world has been named after either the person it has been associated with or the people or nation from which it originated. Christianity, for example, got its name from Jesus Christ; Buddhism from Gautama Buddha; and Judaism the religion of the Jews takes its name from both the tribe of Judah and the country of Judea where it was born. The same is true of other religions.
But not so with Islam.This religion enjoys the unique distinction of having no such association with any particular person or people. The word "Islam" does not convey any such relationship for it does not belong to any person, people, or country. Nor is it the product of any human mind. It is a universal religion and its objective is to create and cultivate within man the quality and attitude of Islam. "Islam" infact is a descriptive title. Whoever possesses the qualities contained within this description, regardless of his race, community, country, or family, is a Muslim.
According to the Quar'an (the holy book of the Muslims) among every society and in all ages there have been good and righteous people who possessed these qualities and all of them were and are Muslims.
This all powerful and all penetrating law,which governs everything that exists for the tiniest particles of matter to the most awesome galaxies in the high heavens, is the law of God, the creator and ruler of the universe. Since all created things obey the law of God the entire universe therefore literally follows the system of Islam for Islam signifies nothing but obedience and submission to God,the lord of the universe. The sun, the moon, the earth and all other heavenly bodies are thus "Muslims". So are the air, water and soil, and all livng things, the insects,birds and mammals of the animal world, the shruns, trees vegetables and fruits of the planet world. Everything in the universe is Muslim"; for they all
obey God almighty by submitting to his laws.
The pictures of the temples are beautiful. I think this is a perfect blog to inform people about the Muslim religion and eliminate preconcieved notions. I'll reccomends this to my friends on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteThank You I am very greatful to everybody who post comments on this blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat an enlightening post! This helps everyone understand the Muslim religion a little better than the publicity received through the media. The beautiful temples reflect the inner beauty of this religion. Thank you for daring such a sensitive subject and spreading a more positive perspective.
ReplyDeleteGreat Job! very interesting and attracting.
ReplyDeleteGreat Job!!!!! Very Very intresting (:
ReplyDeleteHow interesting! And, kudos to you for tackling such a sensitive subject. Please continue to post so I can learn more!
ReplyDeleteRita, Your design is captivating, and I am very impressed at your creativity in garnering readership. Clean, classy, and well done-- as always!! Nice work!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, can you upload your PowerPoint project you are creating for speech? I think it would be a great addition!
DeleteShukran Hasbu-nallah. Continue to glorify the word of Allah!!! PBUY Good job Rita!!! My fiancee is also Muslim!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the interesting topic about the Muslim religion, it brings to light to many Muslims and non Muslims what the real word Islam means.Since all created things obey the law of God, therefore literally follow the system of Islam. For islam signifies nothing but obedience and submission to the will of God the lord of the universe.
ReplyDeleteOne may ask, if Islam means peace why there is so much fighting going on in the Muslim world.The answer is simple, greed and self interest is the course of all the instability.People mix politics and religion together and that is the result of it.
Man has been blessed with reason and intelegence. He has the power to think and make judgements, to select or reject, to adopt or spurn. He is free to follow whatever way of life he choses. He can select any religion, assume any way of life and fashions his living according to whatever ideologies he likes, but like all other creature man is born Muslim, constantly obeying the order of Allah the Almighty God and he is bound to do so. He is free to become or not to become Muslim. Being a non Muslim yourself I pray that the good Lord continue to guide you in the straight part and become his blessing on you. I pray that you continue to write on topic like this and help many others to understand about the Muslim religion. ASALAM ALAIKUM.
Thank you so much Rita, what an enlightenig topic,am really impress about your view of the islamic religion.being a muslim my self i would like to add more important topic in contributing to your wonderful teaching of the Islamic religion.I will like to add the topic of "Disbelief" what we call in Arabic,"KUFR". My interpretation of disbeliever according to the muslim point of view is a person who although born muslim does not used his skill of reason, intelligence and intuition to recognise his Lord and Creator.Rather he misuses his freedom of choice by choosing to deny God.Because muslims belief that all human being was born a muslim.The word "KUFR" in Arabic literally means " to cover" or to "conceal"He is call a concealer because he conceal by his disbelief what is inherently in his nature and what is embalmed within his soul,for indeed. his nature is instincttively inbued with "Islam". The real truth has become separated from him and he gropes in the dark such is the nature of disbelief.
ReplyDeleteDisbelief is not a form of ignorance,it is ignorance, pure and simple.What ignorance could be greater than to be ignorant of God. A person observes the vast panorama of nature, the surperb machanism that is ceaselessly working, the grand design that exist in every nood and corner of creation, he observes the endless machinery, but does not know who is the maker and director.He look at his own body, the wonderful organism that operate in an intelligible and systematic fashion, and used it to achieve whatever goal he wishes.Yet he is unable to comprehend the force that brought it in to existence. The enginer who designed and produce this machine, the creator who made this unique living being out of lifeless matter,carbon,calcium,sodium and so on.No matter which way he turns, he sees magnificent example of skill in science and wisdom, Mathematics and engineering, design and purpose, yet he ignores the being who brought in to existence all that.Every organ of his body. his brain.eyes, hand and feet-will complain against the injustic and cruelty done to them and God will award him the full punishment he deserves.This is the inglorious consequence of disbelief,It leads to the blind alley of total failure here, and the hereafter. thank you until i have the chance again to contribute in your blog,ASALAM ALAIKUM.
Thanks you so much for the additional topic.keep up the good work in spreading the word of God,you will surely get the reward in the here after.BARAKA LAHU FEEK.